Our company and training content has been built based on personal experience, our success comes from our desire to influence change and promote positives outcomes through effective education and training. We guarantee you will leave feeling much more confident, resilient, courageous and feeling empowered.
West Yorkshire based company, Blossom Self Defence actually originated a number of years ago, when Founder, Madeleine France set up a woman's only self-defence class, after hearing from a number of friends that they had a desire to learn how to defend themselves, but didn’t feel comfortable taking part in a martial arts or combat style class. We offer a safe and inclusive environment for all ages to learn and develop where everyone is welcomed with opened arms.
Most self-defence classes are run within a martial arts environment, led by MA instructors making use of the complex codified movements that form the routines often referred to as Kata’s. Martial arts provide many benefits and of course would provide a strong basic understanding of a fighting stance and key movements. However, the techniques and movements quite often require fine motor skills to implement and require a significant amount of practice. After studying the psychological affects of someone faced with fear, we understand that in fight or flight mode, where the limbic brain is engaged, we lose the use of our finer motor skills. This could result in the individual being unable to recall what they had learned during their training.
The techniques we teach during our training have been medically certified by Professor Brendon Stubbs BSc, MSc, MCSP, PhD. Brendon is Head of Physiotherapy and NIHR clinical lecturer for the Institute of Psychiatry, Psychology and Neuroscience at Kings College London. Brendan has also acted as an expert witness at high court level. Professor Stubbs certifies the training methods have been medically risk assessed as safe and best practice. We only teach certified techniques that follow the E.R Guthrie skill definition, which focus on major motor skills and can be recalled by the limbic brain during fight or flight mode.
· Maximum certainty of goal achievement
· Minimum energy expenditure
· Minimum movement time
The other consideration when teaching self-defence, is the appropriateness of a combative movement as a self-defence technique and if that would be deemed as appropriate and reasonable in a Court of Law.
Blossom UK training is legally robust and we focus on providing a strong understanding of the legal framework that supports the use of force. The level of information we provide will be dependent on the training needs of the collective delegates, which would be determined by their background. However, as a minimum, all Blossom UK delegates will leave their training with a strong understanding of the term reasonable force. Reasonable force considers the necessity and proportionality of the force used to defend yourself and that all other reasonable measures were taken prior to the use of force.
Our scenario-based training takes the delegate on a journey from non-vocal defensive stances to the use of voice as a deterrent and only as a last resort will physical techniques be introduced.
Blossom training and development
High Street, Normanton, WF6 2AJ, United Kingdom